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Chelsea Handler Said And Did Incredible Things On Kanye West's Behaviour

Chelsea Handler is never afraid to say anything, this time she weighed in on Kanye West's recent headline-making behavior and Twitter rants. During a recent interview with ET Canada, she shared her provocative thoughts on the subject. Though his behavior has come as a surprise to some, Handler evidently isn't among that crowd. According to her, she's long believed West to be unstable. "I've always thought he's a maniac and he just sounds like more of one," she said. "He's delusional. He's always been delusional."

She also didn't take kindly to his comments about Taylor Swift on the song "Famous" from The Life of Pablo. "He did this to Taylor Swift 5 or 6 years ago, he went up and stole her award," she recalled. "And nobody thought he was nuts then?" She ended the segment with a brief summary of her thoughts, saying that West is "not stable and he's delusional. And now he'll have a mental breakdown in front of everybody."

While her comments are certainly harsh, she's not the first to share this sentiment. His longtime collaborator Rhymefest recently made headlines for saying that his "mind and spirit weren't right" and that he needed counseling. Let's hope the erratic behavior can just be chalked up to the extra stress from his album and fashion line releases.

See what she did here 


